The Tourista

I’m an ex-pat Brit now living in Québec City, Canada. A city I fell in love with the first time I came here, so yes, I stayed. Sort of. Because, the truth is, I love to travel, but don’t get to indulge this passion nearly as much as I would like to.

Other than Québec City, my favourite cities have to be Paris, Rome, Athens, New York and, when I had the money, Singapore and Hong Kong. But it’s been a while since I last visited the Far East or, in fact, anywhere in Asia. I dream. I dream about all the places I still want to visit, a lot. Hence, part of this website will feature me planning trips to places I may never get to. But I’m okay with that being a fact.

I’m drawn more to historical cities with a past and great architecture and museums and, of course, great cuisine too. Not the Michelin star kind of food, more the authentic street food of my childhood living and growing up in Hong Kong and Singapore. Of course, my favourite food was Malay satay and Singapore noodles from the Makan street food stalls. Hot and spicy!